Saturday 24 September 2011

Reclaimed furniture

Just finished painting the fourth chair so they are ready to take to Kelston.   Paul and Sarah gave me a table that I have sanded and varnished and it's looking lovely. Just bought a rocking chair on eBay and hope that will spruce up well too.  My only worry is that it might not fit up the tiny twisting staircase to the living room.

Wonderful view!

Can't wait to get there as this is the current view of the river from
the bottom of the garden, and once I get there, I will cut down all of
the brambles and five foot talls nettles so that we can see the narrow
boat moorings, the swans on the river and the lovely pub just across
on the other bank.

First post

We are due to buy kelstonmills on the 7th October, just waiting for the solicitors to get all of the paperwork together and then we should be in.  13 more days.......