Saturday 12 November 2011

Au revoir

French is not my strong point but I hope it means something like 'I wont be writing for a while, but this is not goodbye, see you at some unspecified date in the future'. If it doesn't mean that then 'pardon'.
It is sad but we are going to rent out kelstonmills for a while so I can't easily blog about it.
I have enjoyed it so much I have started a new blog called so I hope you will follow me there too.

PS photo of the kitchen just to show I did eventually get it finished

Thursday 10 November 2011

Now you see it, now you don't

The new electrician has finished his job, all up to current regs, but it looked really scary this morning. Boxed it in with some plasterboard and then tiled over it and it looks much nicer.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Stressful day

I always thought today was going to be difficult as the electrician was coming to do the work in the kitchen and then I was going to tile over it and finish off above the worktop.
He was recommended by the neighbours, but I found out he wasn't qualified and I was worried about what he recommended we do. I said it couldn't be done without a proper certificate, so I had to ask him to down tools and leave.
I then had to find a new electrician and start again from scratch. Managed to get one who was recommended by the letting agent and he said the work the first guy was going to do did not meet regulations. Have given him a key and he is going to try and get it done over the weekend as he is really busy.
Really disappointed as can't finish tomorrow now, but at least I think I have found a way out.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Getting near the end

Arrived back today and can't go home again until it is all finished! Lots of finishing off things to do such as tiling above the worktops.
Having a break now but might put in a late shift in a while.

Saturday 29 October 2011

The Swan Inn at Swineford

Eating out twice in one day! Lovely tasty home cooked, non microwaved dinners at The Swan which is a mile or so from kelstonmills.
Really nice welcoming pub that sells pickled eggs in cute little tea cups.
As with B and Q earlier today, it is highly recommended.

B and Q view

What a lovely view this is from the cafe at B and Q on the outskirts of Bristol!
It is raised up so you can see on the top of all the shelves and there doesn't seem to be any dusty corners where they put all of the stuff that they don't know what to do with.
For £4 you can get a cappuccino and a breakfast nap and sit on the lovely orange chairs and watch the action. Who needs to go on a safari when you can sit up here in comfort - just had second thoughts about this plan as there are no animals, but hopefully you know what I mean.

Friday 28 October 2011

Splashing about

Can see these two from the living room window. Not the guy in the rowing boat but the two in wetsuits on the weir.
They don't seem to have a boat, they are just having a lovely time jumping in and out of the water and splashing each other!
Don't think the swans are too impressed as no sign of any of them.